четвъртък, 5 септември 2019 г.

What Are The Bad Boy Traits That Make The Bad Boy Irresistible?

The bad boys are known for having it their way with girls. Like seriously, is there a single type of men out there that is more desired and preferred?

And here comes one important question we need to dig a bit deeper- what exactly are the traits all bad boys possess that make them so damn attractive and irresistible?

To help you find out, I have prepared a number of characteristics. So follow the qualities, write them down and implement them in your lifestyle- make sure you get the most of them!

Bad Boy Trait Number One- Play Hard To Get

 This is one of the oldest, yet one of the most effective traits when it comes to picking up girls.

Just like we, as guys, are naturally driven to women that seem out of our league and hard to get, the same applies to the ladies.

And there is a logical reason behind this. Girls love men who are wild, seemed untamed and show their adventurous style.

Maybe it is because this way of lifestyle is so different from the ordinary shy introvert girl. Maybe not,

Either way, this is what women themselves say drives them towards the badass.

When you are dating a nice guy who constantly follows the same patterns, gives the same talks, asks the same question- things eventually get old and boring.

And even if at the beginning there was a strong fire of passion, it’s flame has now vanished.

The girl has lost interest and she is no more interested in you. This is directly connected to the second aspect.

The Second Badass Quality- Creating Strong Emotions 

The second bad boy quality you want to focus on simply teasing and playing with the girl.

You need to realize that girls themselves love provocation.

The more you tease her, the better she will respond( in most cases at least J)

This is something that makes the bad boy so damn irresistible.
Just as I mentioned above, you need to show how intriguing, provoking, deep meaning your life has.

You need to connect to the girl on such a deep level that she herself is eager to be with you, wanting to know more about you on her own.

And the best way to break down the entire rapport you have been building for a long time is to start repeating the same routine of actions again and again.

This Is a relationship-killer, I guarantee!

Alpha Male Quality Number 3- Not Being Afraid To Go Further 

One of the crucial aspects of dating is actually going pout with someone you enjoy being with, both in private and in public.

What does this mean?

Well, if you want to have some private time with aa girl, this is one story, but totally other is if you are actually happy and want to spend time with her- show her to your parents, friends, etc.

This can be a good sign that you have a strong feeling towards the other person.

This is something bad boys do. You need to be able to handle the situation like a real man.

The badass doesn’t run away from obstacles the moment it gets had.

SO you shouldn’t do it, too.

This means that if you have a girlfriend right now and aren’t exactly happy with her and know things are not going to work out themselves, just do what is necessary.

You both are at a loose end, so you don’t have to make the whole situation worse because you don’t want to face the consequences.

 The Fourth Trait- Being Stylish

This is something quite trivial, yet you will be surprised by the number of people who screw this up.

Just take normal care of yourself, your face and your hair.

One thing that instantly stands out when you think about bad boys is that their image is always on point. This is why they have the “game”.

So make sure you give better care to yourself.

And also, if necessary go out and buy some new clothes.

Wear the things that will make you stand out, that will give others the impression you want them to have.

The outfit of a guy bears more meaning than you can imagine.

Girls are able to make an unbelievable amount of judgments within the first 1/8 of a second, they meet you.

The first 1/8 of a SECOND!

This goes to say that the moment you meet a girl, she will instantly know if she wants to date you or not.

This is how crucial your style is. Thus, it should be taken even so seriously.

 The Fifth Trait To Becoming A Bad Boy- Be The Confident Alpha In Your Group

Yup, this is right.

Nothing new once again. However, this is still something most men cant truly understand.

One of the new trends that are currently happening around the world is the so-called “domestication” of men.

What does this mean?

Put simply, girls expect you to play their dog.

You heard it correctly.

As sad as it sounds, women have, I wonder why, got the idea that guys should silently go after them, carry their purse and obey pretty much every command the girl gives.

Do you think these same girls have any respect towards their “loved ones”?

I don’t think so.

And the guys are totally fine with this.

No wonder the girls have no respect towards them. No wonder they leave their “boyfriends”.
Girls seek what they cannot have, what is wild and untamed.

Maybe it is their desire to control and tame the wild badass.

Either way, they are drowning towards this strong leadership.

Girls love the fact that you take the lead.

When they see how you manage tough situations with ease, they can be relaxed that you will take care of them.

Thus, they will feel secure in your company.

Furthermore, you will be something brand new for them to experience.

This is how powerful your confidence can be. These are the wonders it can achieve.

So next the time you go out there or meet your girl, show her the true form of the bad boy in you- let her see just how much pride and self-esteem is built into you!

понеделник, 29 юли 2019 г.

The Bad Boy Signs That Attract All Women

The bad boy…. There is just something unbelievably attractive in him- his approach, his behavior, his way with words…..

What it is in fact that attract women are the signs all bad boys show.

They indicate the strong masculinity and determination a guy has.

And today, we will go over as many signs of powerful alpha male attraction as we can in order to transform you into a real badass.

First thing first, it is the sexual and strong alpha body type.

bad boys attract girls

It is it. This single characteristic has been a topic of hot debate for quite some time now.

Man people believe that you don’t have to train or exercise regularly to get girls.

While this might be true to a certain extent, it donest goes the same with the badass.

He is always in a good shape, with insane vascularity and a strong aura of power emitting from him.

And this is sexy.

Just like while there are some women who don’t train and look quite good, one that does exercise and has a nice shape always gets the attraction, right?

It doesn’t take that long to figure it out it would be pretty much the same for girls as well.

And this is a strong sign that goes as well with the second one- flirty body language.

Okay, so far we have made it clear that the bad boy stays in a good shape and has amazing definition.

But he also likes to show off a bit.

Not that much to be considered an asshole, however, enough to truly provoke a spark and emotion with a single noticeable twitch.

And once the girls start bitting their lips, oh boy, you know you have them!

Next in line, the bad boy needs to distinguish from everyone else.

But not in the ordinary style.

He needs something stronger and more powerful. Something that can say a lot without using any words. And which sign is this? It is the tattoo.

No matter how you think about it, the bad boy always has at least one tattoo right?

They are something different because usually, most men don’t do such things.

One can say that the badass screams for attraction.

Many people go to say that this is ugly and is only ruining his skin or something of that kind. Maybe it is unpleasant.

But we aren’t discussing this right now.

bad boys attraction

The question is- does the bad boy have tattoos? Yes, and usually a lot of them. And does he get the girls? Almost all of them. So the answer is simple- the signs on your arms, back, neck or wherever you want to make it visible, they help him attract and get the girl.

The next trait we will go thorugh is the style.

It is unique and provocative.

What really needs to be addressed here is how naturally everything comes in shape and flows into his image.

He may use an accessor for instance that one would consider strange to use at this time of the year for instance, but somehow it just makes the bad boy even more attractive.

This is magical. The reason behind this is that you have just one time to make a first impression. And if you can't make a good first impression, it will be the last impression the person you are meeting gets from you.

So you need to approach this topic with a rather big caution.

Style is definitely one of these powerful alpha traits that are often diminished in significance by guys. Nevertheless, it can be almost everything you need to attract and get the girl!

Which goes to the other point.

Having cool accessors are great. It shows style, it shows interest, it shows you take some care.

However, just like most things, there is a line of acceptability. And the badass knows this.

girls attracted to badass

For instance, let's say that wearing black glasses and a gold watch can dramatically improve your style( if everything fits naturally that is).

This can be somewhat okay. However, going for more jewelry is an overkill.

The more you wear, the more you are trying to show off. And people don’t like. Women don’t like it. And they will hate you for it.

Nevertheless, if you show compassion and care towards them while still keeping a stylish look…

Your game will be on the god level.

sexy woman

Next trait on the badass list is going against the flow.

That’s right. The bad boys always have their way. No matter how, why or who. This is in their nature, this is who they are and how they react to everything happening around them.

They always manage to fight their own way out and do what they want to do whenever they want to do it. The importance of showing character does wonders. Literally!

In society we live nowadays everyone is acting like everyone else. People try to fit in, want to be liked, don’t disagree or rather lack the courage to stand out for themselves and their views.

And women know it. And suddenly the bad boys appear- they do what they feel like doing. It doesn't matter if others agree with them or not it doesn't matter if the society accepts them or not.

how to get the girl

They aren’t doing anything for others. Bad boys stand for themselves.

And in this case, this is something totally different for women. This is something new and exciting, something they haven’t seen or experienced before.

It is only natural for humans to strive for the things they don’t have.

There is a natural connection that instantly occurs.

Words cant explain it.

Girls don’t know why they feel the way they feel.

bad boys attract women

But the answer here is simple- it is the masculine traits all badasses show that turn a girl on.

It is the way they behave and interact, the courage they show when they don’t want to blindly follow the masses, but rather stand tall for themselves.

And this is the secret that is helping them secure dates with all the girls.

понеделник, 22 юли 2019 г.

How The Bad Boys Pick Up Girls

When we think about girls and the possible type of guy who can pick them up effectively, there is always one specific type that comes instantly to mind- the bad boy.

It is unbelievable the easiness with which the bad boy's hooks girls up and leaves them wanting more.

But why is he the one type more precisely that has his way all the time?

There must be some attractive features that pretty much charm and leaves women breathless.

While we cannot simply name one powerful sign of an alpha male attraction, we can say for sure that his style, behavior, approach, and way with girls is unique.

If you think about it, there are many types of guys out there. Some are muscular, others have quite concrete interests, others are just nerds….

bad boy attraction

But they all differ in one manner or form from the bad boy. And this is what makes him so attractive.

The bad boy is not afraid to approach and interact with girls. This is his main idea and goal. He is laser-focused on connecting to the girls and attracting them

There is a certain part of the overall image of the badass that brings more value and helps him charm women. On one hand, there are the materialistic ideas. He is always in style, looking cool and handsome.

This is just the opposite of what too many guys do. Often men take quite poor control over their hygiene, their clothes and other similar aspects of their life and behavior.

This is something that instantly differentiates the bad boy from the rest. Thus, from the very beginning, he is approaching an advantage. The other part such as expensive cars, watches, glasses..- they act like a second-hand help in filling the overall image of the bad boy.

Nevertheless, they are still a strong sign of the dominant figures in society and girls often view them and associate them exactly with that.

how the bad boy picks up girls

Another irresistible part of the bad boy is that he has a strong sense of value and self-worth.

Thus, he can talk with a lot of confidence.

He isn’t interested in the opinion of others.

SO, he seems like a powerful force that cannot be stopped and can dominate whatever he decided.

And probably the most effective card up his sleeve is the fact he is outgoing.

He can directly interact with girls. He isn’t afraid to come in contact with them, even if they are more in number while he is all by himself.

Yet, he can pull the trigger.

Women want to be approached.

More often than not, they are shy and unsure of themselves, thus they avoid contact.

One can say that women are just as if not more afraid of approaching guys than guys themselves!

Or maybe they want to be approached and attracted.

It depends on the individual and his understandings.

Nevertheless, you need to make sure you take note of these attractive signs that women search for in men and make most out of them!

събота, 6 юли 2019 г.

How To Be An Alpha Male And How To Attract All The Girls You Want

The alpha male stereotype. There is something powerful and attractive in this behavior. So.ethi g that attracts women. It makes them feel intrigued. Leaves them wanting more.

being an alpha male

This is the way the bad boy flirts. The art of catching g the attention and more importantly being able to continue further all the way to creating strong rapport. This is the specialty of the badass.

The ability to provoke and Is truly the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of the alpha male. This is typical for all bad boys.

They understand that women think and act in a bit of a different way. No matter what they say or believe, there is something that subconsciously provokes them. It makes women want more and searches for more. What are they searching for? The answer is simple – passion!

 No need to explain that women are exceptionally emotional. There is just something inside of them that makes them want to feel so.ething. love and joy are all good, nevertheless, the one thing that is a must is passion.

What makes the bad boy such an attractive stereotype is his ability to provoke. He makes women feel comfortable and wanted in his company. He even presents himself in an attractive and desired position. 

The badass knows how to effectively break the ice. The approach is quite natural, yet so effective and attractive. This is the old school bad boy type that knows how to approach women. Not only that, he realizes just how important the emotional relationship can be. 

So he understands he needs to go further. And this is exactly what makes him a true badass – his way of creating strong rapport.

The alpha male stands out from the crowd. He shows such a dominant and attractive alpha male behavior and traits that are known from the start who is the one in charge. 

He is the guy who takes charge of the circumstances. The bad boy is the guy who handles tough times and deals with all the problems.
tHia way he always presents himself in a dominant position. One of power and influence. No wonder the girls are attracted to the bad boy!
In order to become a true badass in dating women, you need to learn how to create a strong and desired impression for yourself in the eyes of others.

The Badass guide helps guys accomplish exactly this. Wondering how to get that girl addicted to you?
Better ask yourself how you can provoke her so that she will be eager to learn more on her own.
This is also the beauty of this system.

If you haven't noticed, the bad boys always get the girl. However, they never chase her that hard.

Just the other way around! The girl is the one trying to impress the badass. She is trying to approve his validations. 

alpha male seduction

This is a way to become the true alpha male. The one that gets what he wants whenever he wants it.

That's why this guide is so powerful and effective!
If you want to learn how to improve as far as skyrocket your chances of success with women, you should definitely visit Dan's date girls pro.